Call Name: Vega
Variety: 15"
Date of Birth: June 3, 2020
Bred by: Chelsea Metteer
Heath Clearances: OFA Eyes Normal, MLS, PRA, NCCD, POAG, IGS, DM, PK Def Clear/Normal, Factor VII Carrier
Vega is the culmination of 4 generations of Van-Mar breeding. While our program is headed in a slightly different direction now, we wanted to retain some of the qualities we grew to love about the line. Vega is sassy, confident, and very showy. Vega took the Palm Springs 2022 dog show weekend by storm, garnering 3 of the available 4 majors during the specialty weekend where she took home a whopping 12 points in one weekend! We believe it is a new record for Van-Mar and one we are very proud of. Vega went onto to finish her AKC Championship in style by taking her 4th consecutive major the first day of the Stockton Beagle Club specialty weekend by going WB/BOW for a 4 point major. We look forward to breeding her in 2023.